I go out today in search of something.
Never know what I may see
. It just so happens, the province threw money at culture this weekend as if it needs making up. I hit the coffee shop first. While there, I find a program. Culture Days, in it's third day, has dance movement in front of the hydro building. It so happens, Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet is located across the street. Except for inspiration, the ballet is not part of the hydro performance. The school has it's own gig in studio. I feel a certain pride knowing my daughter trained here. Music and dance is something we know well. The culture of the Ukranian people is solid in Manitoba. I played in a band with a member of the Rusalka Dance Ensemble. Today, I notice a woman who reminds me of Don's dance company.
Now, Winnipeg is brim full of culture. We live it here everyday. New York, Toronto or Nashville has nothing on us. I think Vancouver is bleak compared to us. We lead and others follow. No matter, I had to buy bread and shop for food a little so I took in the culture found.
Wish I had time to attended these fine government funded programs. No matter, I made my way through the culture I found. It's a sunny day and I'm not missing a thing.