The Reality of Donald Trump

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Ready, Steady, Go.

Ready Steady Go!

By Norm Richards

Can you ever be ready for retirement? thought about it a lot. I'm back to running on my own clock, day job gone. Now I'm trying to keep pace with it. I thought I left the daily stress behind. Now, it's about meeting my own schedules and running my own shift. You do have to be organized, still. You wake, shower and plan your day knowing it's up to you, just you.

I've got a library of films to view and scripts to read. That's my focus. I got some new equipment for writing. Love it. Fast and portable. I'm trying to ween myself off the desktop. I still throw it on as soon I wake up. By the time coffee is ready I've said hello to the world and given birthday wishes on social network. Oh what a day! No rush, I tell myself.

To be continued